Dear Daughter,

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Wander Where the Wifi's Weak

Dear Daughter,

Wander where the Wifi's weak, far from what you know. Where bridges pass through arcane creeks and crawdads wade through stones.

Swing in weeping willow trees, down by the water's ledge. And let your tears make ripples there to soak the cypress sedge.

As winds pick up on subtle notes of sweetshrub down below, go skip a beat on worn down feet, through tall grass dancing slow.

Now climb with me, to the acclivity, where skylines glitter gold with hints of rose and sundust lodging secrets yet untold.   

And take in all the solitude the noiseless nights provide; here atop the lonely peak is where your soul resides.

Amidst the quiet atmosphere of nature's patient time, your heart will give direction to that path that you must climb.

So listen to your wandering thoughts, in this solitary mode, for up here on the mountain is a treasure that few know.

Buried deep, beneath routine, a compass for your life. It whispers deep inside of you "slow down, enjoy the ride".